Every Lament is a Love Song: Three Leaders Speak About Lament and Hope

In loving memory of my mother-in-law, who passed away February 20, 2022. Thank you, Carol Zimbelman a.k.a. Mama Z, for showing your family and community God’s love in how you listened, quilted, crafted, cooked, hugged, and spoke. You’ve given us plenty to lament until we meet again. The Stockdale Paradox has been in the backContinue reading “Every Lament is a Love Song: Three Leaders Speak About Lament and Hope”

“Everything is Connected”: Confessions of a Recovering Gnostic

Gnostic (pronounced NAW-stick): a person who believes in the separation of the body and soul, usually privileging the soul. “Soul and body, body and soul—how mysterious they were!…Who could say where the fleshly impulse ceased, or the psychical impulse began? Was the soul a shadow seated in the house of sin? Or was the bodyContinue reading ““Everything is Connected”: Confessions of a Recovering Gnostic”

Blessed Unproductivity

I recently preached a sermon at Beth-El entitled Blessed Unproductivity (a.k.a. sacred downtime, holy rest, Sabbath). You can listen to the audio here. Some thoughts from the sermon: Why be blessedly unproductive? Because humility is hard to come by, and if the creator took a breather, then the world will almost assuredly not fall apartContinue reading “Blessed Unproductivity”

What happens when a congregation’s boundaries aren’t healthy? (And some ideas for a vaccine)

As I write this, I got my second Covid vaccination today, one step ahead of the general public as a credentialed faith leader. (Yay for connecting in person again FINALLY!) Well before vaccinations, physicians knew that people who had an infection one time recovered more quickly if infected again—and these people were said to haveContinue reading “What happens when a congregation’s boundaries aren’t healthy? (And some ideas for a vaccine)”

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Top 10 Reasons to attend Faith & Life Forum 2021 (You’ll really relate to #6)

The day and time: Saturday, April 10, 10:30 AM  The topic: Peace of Mind: Trauma and Mental Health in the Pandemic and Beyond, a discussion on how this pandemic has affected our brains and souls, and what the path of healing might look like. The speakers: Practical theology professor Rev. Dr. Heidi Miller and practicingContinue reading “Top 10 Reasons to attend Faith & Life Forum 2021 (You’ll really relate to #6)”

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